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  According to the archaeological discoveries of “Yangchun Dushizai Ancient Cultural Relic of Fossil Human”, the ancestors of Liangyang people appeared ten thousand years ago.

  Government of Sui Dynasty established Yangjiang County and Yangchun County in 606.

  Yangjiang County was upgraded as Zhili State twice in 1867. Government of the Republic of China established Yangjiang County and Yangchun County again in 1912.

  Yangjiang was permitted to become a city by the Sate Council of the People’s Republic of China in 1988 and is a prefecture-level city now.


沂水县| 秭归县| 汝南县| 廊坊市| 江山市| 浮山县| 思南县| 林口县| 灵川县| 丹阳市| 华亭县| 望奎县| 监利县| 都匀市| 太仓市| 封开县| 天等县| 岳普湖县| 饶河县| 大埔县| 察雅县| 栾城县| 静乐县| 绍兴市| 凤凰县| 自贡市| 石泉县| 林芝县| 开阳县| 微博| 汾西县| 北京市| 台中县| 大关县| 玉溪市| 广汉市| 原阳县| 肇源县| 平罗县| 沾益县| 邓州市|