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Dajiao Bay Was Honored as “Guangdong Top 10 Beautiful Seacoasts”

  After 3 monthsappraise and election the list ofGuangdong Top 10 Beautiful Seacoasts appeared on Nov.26 and Yangjiang Dajiao Bay was on the list. This program began on September and gave this list through internet votes, specialistsappraise & verification and working groups votes.

吐鲁番市| 临沂市| 大埔县| 关岭| 滕州市| 青神县| 耿马| 池州市| 新田县| 新津县| 吉隆县| 阿尔山市| 崇义县| 资源县| 清新县| 县级市| 定安县| 西林县| 大新县| 沁阳市| 安阳市| 三门县| 吕梁市| 定兴县| 长阳| 咸阳市| 凤山县| 绥宁县| 海安县| 栾城县| 江安县| 吉安市| 游戏| 丁青县| 宜春市| 辽阳市| 古浪县| 始兴县| 定兴县| 保靖县| 南涧|