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Mineral Resources

  I. The profile of mineral resources


  Yangjiang is relatively rich in mineral resources. By the end of 2010, total 48 kinds of mineral resources at 266 mineral sites had been discovered, including 3 kinds of energy mineral resources at 29 mineral sites; 18 kinds of metallic mineral resources at 61 mineral sites; 25 non-metallic mineral resources at 168 mineral sites, while 2 kinds of underground water mineral resources at 8 mineral sites.

  - Energy minerals include coal, peat soil and underground thermal water. The coal mainly locates within the territory of Yangchun City. There are underground hot water sources at 22 sites, and the total exploitable amount of water reaches 53, 218 cubic meters/day, the water temperatures at most sites are relatively high, among which the water temperature of thermal springs at Xinzhou reaches up to 105°C, showing good prospects for development.

  - Metallic minerals include 18 kinds of minerals such as iron, copper, tungsten, stannum, lead, zinc, rare earth, molybdenum, gold and etc., but the proven reserve is limited at present.

  - Non-metallic minerals mainly include 25 kinds of minerals such as limestone, pyrite mine, marble for cladding purpose, granite for building purpose (cladding purpose as well), ceramic soil, potash feldspar, quartz sands and etc. Among the non-metallic minerals found in our city, limestone for cement mainly distributes in the territory of Yangchun City, rich in resources with rather good quality of ore. The proven reserves of high-quality limestone resource locate at 8 sites with total reserves of approximate 38, 0330,000 tons. There are 3 productive mines with a total output of about 800,000 tons of limestone, which meet the demand in markets for raw materials by 4 cement factories in Yangchun and available for the demand by cement factories outside the city. Other non-metallic minerals mainly include stone materials for cladding purpose locating in 8 sites, namely, Chengcun Village and Tangkou Town within Yangxi County, Daba Town of Yangdong County, etc. as well as quartz mine locating in Xitou within Yangxi County, Dagou and Tangping Mt. Baishi within Yangdong County, Shuangjiao within Yangchun County and other places.

  - Underground water minerals include mineral water and drinking water, and mineral water currently locate at 8 sites, and 6 among which reach medium scale or higher.


  II. Mineral resources with the potential for development and utilization


  (I) Quartz (sand) mineral


   Quartz (sand) mineral for glass purpose at Xitou Town within Yangxi County 

  The detailed investigation of this mineral was carried out in 1980 by Guangdong Materials and Geological Prospecting Team, and has ensured a D-class reserves of more than 3.3 million tons, with a average content level of SiO2 in the mineral reaching 98.84%, Fe2O3 reaching 0.097% and Al2O3 reaching 0.36%. This is our city's best, high-quality natural quartz sand mineral for glass purpose that is applicable for production of industrial flat/sheet glass.

   Quartz sand mineral at Dagou Town within Yangdong County Including tow mineral bodies at Shagang and Lushan. After treatment via washing/cleaning process to reduce the content of iron, the quartz sand mineral at Dagou can be used as raw materials for production of float glass.

   Shagang mineral body: the mineral body with an ensured resource reserve of more than 14 million tons is a large scale deposit, and in the mineral, the average content of SiO2 is 96.50%, Fe2O3 0.86% and Al2O3 1.32%.

   Lushan mineral body: the mineral body with a proven resource reserve of more than 4 million tons is a medium scale quartz deposit, and in the mineral, the average content of SiO2 is 94.31%, Fe2O3 1.05% and Al2O3 2.07%.

  3. Silica mineral at Mt. Baishi in Tangping Town within Yangdong County: Main quality indicators of the mineral: content of SiO2 is 98.77%, Fe2O3 0.08% and Al2O3 0.51%. The mineral zone with a proven mineral reserve of 10 million tons is a large scale deposit.

  4. Quartz mineral at Puzhu Village in Shuangjiao Town within Yangchun City

  This mineral locates at Shuangjiao Town and was initially developed in 2000, with 0.059 sq. km of mining area. The reserve of resource with an elevation of or over +90m is about 8,000,000 tons. The main content is quartz with SiO2 accounting for 99.44~99.63%, and other contents are: Al2O3 0.027 ~ 0.048%, TiO2 0.0059 ~ 0.0080%, Fe203 0.020 ~ 0.063%, MgO 0.0033 ~ 0.0068%, CaO 0.020 ~ 0.012% and loss on ignition 0.0900.10%. The quality of the quartz mineral meet the requirements for raw materials of glass and ceramics industries, and can find wide application in high-grade ceramics industry (man-made crystal stone), chemical industry, high-grade glass industry and other industries.

  This mining area is currently invested and exploited by a small mining enterprise with a production capacity of only 1, 000 tons per month due to financial, technical constraints, further more, the only primary product roughly processed with low product value and low cost-effective fail to reach a scale economies effect. Based on preliminary estimates, if the investment is increased to about RMB 40 million Yuan to build a mineral fine processing enterprise so that the mineral production capacity reaches 30, 000 tons per month, high-purity quartz powder production capacity reaches 10, 000 tons per month, then the annual production value will reach up to RMB 120 million Yuan and annual profit will reach about RMB15 million.

   (II)Limestone mineral

  Yangjiang is rich in limestone mineral resources and the total reserves of the 8 mineral sites with preliminarily ensured reserves of high-quality limestone minerals have reached 380.33 million tons. The main mining sites are as follows:

  ⒈ Niuguilan mining site: This mine site locates at a place 2.5 km to the northeastern Shiwang Town, and is 50 km away from the urban areas of Yangchun City. The mineral body shows a semi-bared state in an area with hilly terrain. The ensured reserve of limestone for cement purpose reaches 85.52 million tons, the mineral quality indicators are CaO53.79%, MgO0.54%, SiO23.39%, Al2O30.74%, Fe2O30.41% and loss on ignition 41.62%. With a perfect grade and a relatively large reserve, this limestone mine shows a rather larger value of development and utilization.

  ⒉ Mining area at Diaomalang (Datong Village): The mining area locates at a place 7 km to the southeast of Chunwan Town and 41 km away from the urban district of Yangchun City. The proven reserve of limestone for cement purpose reaches 39.26 million tons, the mineral quality indicators are CaO51.99%, MgO0.82%, SiO24.42% and Al2O30.14%.

   (III) Underground thermal water

  1. Hot Springs at Gangmei in Yangchun City: The exploitable amount of water reaches 36, 362 m3/day, and water temperature is about 40.6℃ ~ 85.9 ℃. The mass concentration of fluorine and metasilicate mineral meet the requirement by our national medical standards, which is a fluorine-met silicate (F-H2SiO3) type medical mineral water.

  2. Salted Hot Springs at Pinggang in Jiangcheng District: The exploitable amount of water reaches 1, 277m3/day, water is 52 ℃. The hydro chemical type is Cl-Na-type, with a PH value of 7 and a hydrogen sulfide smell. A mineralized degree is 6.16.9g/l and a content of H2SiO3 60-80mg/l. Numerous indictors like temperature, mineralized degree and content of H2SiO3 meet the requirement of the national medical standards for water quality of hot mineral water.

  3. Salted Hot Springs at Reshui Village in Xinzhou Town within Yangdong County: The approved ensured amount of hot springs reaches 2, 106 m3 per day with the temperature of 105℃, self-spraying height of 10m, and exploitable amount of water of 3, 671 m3 per day.

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