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1.Lingxiao Rock National Geological Park


  Lingxiao Rock National Geological Park in Yangchun City, another world-class natural and cultural element surrounding Yangjiang City covering an area of 36.7 square kilometers, is a famous scenic resort characterized by Karst landform and mainly consists of natural water-eroded caves, of which A Seam of Sky, Moon Reflected in Water, Blessed by A Lucky Star, Dripping Pearl are regarded as “Four Wonders of Lingxiao”.


  Opening Time: 900——1800 8:00——19:00(Holidays)

  Address: Lingxiao Rock National Geological Park, Helang Town, Yangchun City, Guangdong 

  Tel:  86-662-7879126 

  Ticket Price: 55(Including Yuxi Three Caves)


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